
We have registered at the following places:

Bed, Bath & Beyond


We've been hankerin' for kayaks for quite some time. We understand they are expensive so if you'd like to purchase a gift card to help us in our pursuit that would be great! In the event that kayaks get purchased in full (thanks!!), the gift cards will be used to purchase accessories like paddles, vests, racks, etc. When purchasing from REI, please use our REI membership # (contact us for it, or have the store look it up- it's under Andrea's name). This will allow us to return products due to any defects or to trade-up in future years.


Wild Yam Pottery
All orders must be made over the phone. Please do not have things shipped; we live 5 minutes from the store and will pick things up.


If you do not find something you wish to purchase on the registry, we will gladly accept monetary donations!